My Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Book Week 2011 Katie Grant

We were delighted to welcome Katie Grant back to school this year to speak to Primary 7 pupils about writing, and story, and ideas, and the power of words. We had a very entertaining morning, with plenty of information about stories and how Katie goes about writing and working out plots, and all the research that goes along with making a book historically accurate - or as accurate as possible.

The de Granville trilogy, Blood Red Horse, Green Jasper and Blaze of Silver are regularly borrowed from the library, although after Katie's talk the hangman Ned Skinslicer had by far the longest waiting list!

Belle's Song is Katie's newest book and has only just been published. This one is set in the time of Geoffrey Chaucer and looks at his life from a rather different point of view, as the heroine Belle joins a pilgrimage to Canterbury....