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Thursday 21 April 2011

Book Week 2011 Alan Burnett

For a wee change from authors of fiction, we invited Alan Burnett along to school to talk about his information books, in particular, his biographies of famous Scots. Primary 4 and Primary 5 children are studying the Scottish Wars of Independence and Mary Queen of Scots, so Alan's visit was perfectly timed to give us all an insight into some of the important people involved.

Alan did two tremendous sessions, full of fascinating facts about people in Scottish history and the times they lived in. Everyone loved his version of a timeline - with year 0 at the library window, Ancient Egypt across the playground, and the dinosaurs miles and miles down the road! All the children were fascinated by his talk, and Alan kept them all awake and involved by firing out questions - and there were some brilliant answers! He was very impressed.

Alan has two new books coming out in the summer. Both deal with true stories from Scotland during the First and Second World Wars. We are looking forward to seeing these books soon.