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Thursday 6 December 2012

First Snow

First Snow by Kim Lewis is a lovely gentle story about the morning Daddy was ill, so Mummy and Sara and Teddy had to feed the sheep instead. As they walk up the hill with the dogs towards the sheepfold, the first early winter snow begins to fall. Sara and Teddy are going to have to be quick with the sheep or the snow may get too deep to walk home.

The illustrations are wonderful, giving the reader a real sense of how things look on a high farm at the beginning of winter. The pictures are full of the sort of details which bring the characters and setting to life - particularly the picture of the collie sheepdog close to the end of the story. The greys and pale blue shades on the snow-covered landscape at the end are perfect to give anyone a little shiver and reach for gloves and a woolly hat!

Published by Walker Books