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Thursday 1 March 2012

Allan Burnett - Book Week 2012

Primary Four children met Allan Burnett on Tuesday and were enthralled by his stories from Scottish history.  Did you know that Columba was responsible for the Loch Ness monster (probably)? Or that Robert the Bruce spoke four languages?

There were loads of fascinating facts to learn, all about the heroes and villains from Scottish history.  Primary four are just beginning to learn about the Scottish Wars of Independence, so they were keen to find out more.  Allan gave us a timeline to show how everything fits together, which always helps when you are trying to keep track of which king or queen was on the throne when!

We had a look at his new book which has stories about the Second World War, from people who lived and worked here in Scotland at the time. He also showed us the book Invented in Scotland - from the first indoor toilet at Skara Brae to computer chips!

Everyone really enjoyed this author visit.  Allan has left us with lots to think about and to research further.....  Thank you!

For more information on Allan's books, check the publisher's website