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Friday 10 February 2012

It's a Book

The wonderful thing about a book is that you can lose yourself in the story.  It doesn't tweet or play music or make any other noises - you just read it.  A book doesn't run out of battery power in the middle of the most exciting bit.  And when you are finished reading, or have lent your book to a friend, you can go to the library and get another one!!!

Lane Smith's book loving monkey and his friends debate the pros and cons of the new reading technologies. The illustrations are pared down, using a limited palette of colours. The expressions on monkey's face are brilliant as he talks to his gadget-loving friend. Clever use of type face to show the different speakers adds to the fun. In the end, it is all about the power of the story.

The author's website is here and you can watch this too!

OK I admit it, I love this book - one of my favourites from 2011