Ross Collins came to play with Primary One and Primary Two children on Monday 28th February. What an amazing start to our Book Week for 2011! My Amazing Dad was perhaps the most popular story we had read before the visit, and it was lovely to see Ross draw Snip for us, and read the story and explain how he had had the idea for this character and how the story had changed since his first drafts. And yes, Snip's Dad is amazing.
Everyone helped Ross read the story of Billy Monster and his terrible daymares about children - horrible-looking creatures who hide under the bed. Ross asked for help because he can't scream very well and he was pretty sure that P1 and P2 could - and they did! At the end of the story, our ears were ringing, but we had made sure that everyone knew that Billy had had a very bad dream indeed.
Everyone had a lovely time with Ross, and he signed books and we all drew our own pictures of monsters and crocodiles and ghost pets - but that one is another story.